KLOPP Coin Counter-Crimper Model CECR4-C2

Counts Canadian $2, 1-1/8″ Token, $1, 25, 5 in diameter (no dime or penny)


In stock

Select Four Crimpheads *

  • 1x KLOPP Coin Counter-Crimper Model CECR4-C2
  • Subtotal $2,039.00

Select Four Crimpheads *

    Optional Accessories with Machine Purchase



CECR4-C2: Combination Electric Counter, Wrapper, Bagger & Crimper

(With Four Crimping Heads)

Crimper (Model CR). It counts, wraps and/or bags CANADIAN $2, 1-1/8″ Token, $1, 25, 5 in diameter (no dime or penny). A crimping mechanism on the side of the machine allows the operator to apply professionally crimped seals to your coin wrappers. Pre-crimped (shotgun) and (flat) style wrappers. Machine can be used on both.

Available with (1) or (4) crimping heads of your choice. Token and foreign crimping heads available upon request.

A Storage Rack for four crimping heads is included when ordering this model CECR4-C2.

A “Crimper Upgrade” is available for existing Electric Counters. The “Crimper Upgrade” will add a crimping mechanism to the side of your Model CE, without affecting the function of your coin counter in any way.